Ancon Dovetail Slot Ties
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The anchor shapes of Ancon Channels are outside current European Technical Assessment documents and therefore these products cannot be CE marked. Channel profiles available for casting in are: 21/18, 28/15, 38/17, 30/20, 41/27, 40/25, 49/30 and 54/33. Ancon 30/20 is a high performance channel. Ancon 21/18 Omega Channel is a high performance, self-anchoring, cast-in channel slot suitable for use with wall ties referenced 21 to provide necessary restraint to the outer leaf of masonry. The section is only 18mm deep and can be used where there is reduced cover to reinforcement and concrete as thin as 75mm. Compare Ancon 25-14 Channel & SD25 Tie with similar Wall Ties Ancon 25-14 Channel & SD25 Tie by Ancon Building Products Ancon 21-18 Omega Channel & PP21 Movement Tie by Ancon Building Products. This system includes all necessary fixings to join a single skin of masonry, 2400mm high, to an existing wall. Each pack includes 2 fixing strips, 5 plugs, 5 washers, 5 screws and 10 wall ties. Suitable for wall widths from 60mm to 250mm, this system has a design resistance of 1.7kN per metre.
submittal sds sdsAncon Dovetail Slot Ties SetsIn category:
Dovetail Triangular Tie 2102
Ancon Dovetail Slot Ties Fasteners
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Dovetail | Triangle Diameter | Triangle Sizes |
12 gauge x 7/8' with 5/16' hole | 3/16' or 1/4' | 3'x3' 4'x4' 5'x5' 6'x6' 7'x7' 7'x9' Custom sizes available |
- Mill Galvanized
- Hot Dip Galvanized
- Stainless Steel
Ancon PPS/PPB/PPV/PP21 Movement Tie
Debonding sleeves are used on plain-ended wall ties at vertical movement joints. The tie will restrain the masonry against lateral wind loads but the sleeve will allow the masonry to expand or contract. Debonding sleeves should be installed with a 10mm gap at the end to allow for expansion of the masonry.
Debonding Sleeve
Debonded Ties require 100mm embedment. A 120mm long sleeve will provide an allowance for movement and tolerance, and will be suitable for most applications. Other lengths and sizes available to special order.